So obviously, I'm a bad blogger. Between working full time, being a full time mommy and wife and type 1 diabetic, and running, I've sort of lost the blog. I've made many attempts at blogging and never really found my voice because I wanted to pigeon-hole myself into categories.
a blog about ME (how novel).
a blog about RUNNING (great but there are so many great ones. And I'm a mediocre runner).
a blog about DIABETES (see running).
a blog about A RUNNING DIABETIC (fearful of being sued because half the time, I suck at being a diabetic and the other half, I suck at being a runner. Sometimes, I shockingly suck at both).
So here I am, without a purpose. Yet, I've noticed there is something missing in my life. Some outlet of frustration, joy, pain, excitement. I need to write. I need to share. I have this unbelievably strong urge, this pathological need to share my life with the world. To be the open book and talk about the unspeakable.
So here I go. My blog will probably be your crazy friend who never knows where she's going or what she's doing. Because that's me without an outlet. Once I find my focus, this blog will settle into something more substantial, more ... peaceful. That's me when I write. Without writing, I am a mess.
I can tell you this: I will write about my life, about me, about running, and about diabetes and how it affects everything I do. I hope you stick with me through this because I tell you...I'm a better person when I share my life with others. I think I have something in me that makes me compulsively need to help other people because I think I compulsively seek others to help me.
Isn't that what life is all about? Forging co-dependent relationships? (I am kidding. Really). But life IS about sharing and growing and learning, so that's why I am still here.
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